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industrial engineering, b.eng.

faculty of applied natural sciences & industrial engineering

engineer with economic vision for climate and digitalisation

#industrialengineer #engineering #business #economics #technology #climateprotection #regenerativeenergies   

#digitalisation #dataanalytics #bigdata #projectmanagement #innovationmanagement #technologymanagement    

#businessmanagement #management #businessanalytics #consulting #productdevelopment #sustainability


Help to transform the economy in a climate-friendly way! Many billions of euros will be invested in this over the next few years. Engineers who drive this transformation with technical and business interests are needed for this. Working in a digital environment should feel natural to you.

As an industrial engineer, you know what is technically feasible and economical at the same time. At DIT, you can choose between two specialisations during your studies. The focus on business management prepares you for managerial positions, but also for later self-employment. With the knowledge from the focus on "Business Analytics", you can optimally control and constantly improve the use of resources in your company. Especially when it comes to a more climate-friendly economy. But also the construction of prototypes or the calculation of PV systems are examples of the areas of responsibility of our graduates.

fact sheet industrial engineering

Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)

Duration: 7 semesters (3.5 years)

ECTS points: 210

Start: October (winter semester)

Location: Deggendorf

Taught in: German

Application period: 15 April - 15 September

Admission requirements:

  • General German university entrance qualification, or please check your eligibilty at the DAAD if you own an international qualification
  • Language requirements
  • As of winter semester 2022/23 a pre-study internship is no longer required

Pre-requisite knowledge: Knowledge in scientific basics are preferred

Postgraduate opportunities:


  • No tuition fees, only student union fee
  • International students from non-EU/EEA countries are required to pay service fees for each semester. Click here to read about our service fees.



My degree in industrial engineering enables me to combine my interests in technical and economic topics. The comprehensive technical and interdisciplinary training opens up a wide range of job opportunities for me. The promising career prospects and the practical orientation of the degree programme at DIT convinced me.

Jenny Redinger,

Industrial Engineering Bachelor student

career prospects

Many high-quality and varied jobs await industrial engineers. Often in the automotive or renewable energy sectors. The path to research is just as open to you as tasks in engineering offices or with associations and management consultancies.

These are your fields of work:

  • Product and market development: green solutions for tomorrow and beyond
  • Project management and cost centre responsibility
  • Innovation and technology management, also as a company founder
  • Industrial goods marketing and technical sales
  • Logistics, quantitative planning and business analytics
  • Digitalisation of processes
  • Business unit management and executive management

The core competence of the industrial engineer lies in the integrated view of problems and their solutions. This means that you have to reach agreements with colleagues and convince them. Often you will find yourself in the role of a mediator. The whole thing can also happen on an international level, so you have to be linguistically and interculturally competent. Flexible, cross-sectoral thinking and communication are in the DNA of this degree programme. This gives you a secure basis for dynamic action and the successful development of your personal network. In the course of your career, you can also take on a higher position in management. Working in a digital environment is a matter of course for you at all times.

Through the focus area "Business Analytics", you can grow digitally. You deal with the analysis and evaluation of data of all kinds in order to discover patterns and correlations, as well as with the best possible design of economic and technical systems and processes. Business analytics helps large and small organisations make better decisions and is characterised by interdisciplinary collaboration. It is a key competence for tackling the major challenges of our time: digitalisation, information overload, climate change, sustainability and resource scarcity.

Kristin Muhr

2023 | Industrial Engineering

Academic/Career Development

I obtained my general higher education entrance qualification at Zwiesel High School in 2019 and then started my dual study programme in industrial engineering at Deggendorf Institute of Technology in the 2019/2020 winter semester.

After a "normal" first semester, I was surprised by the coronavirus pandemic in spring 2020, as was the rest of the world, and Deggendorf Institute of Technology switched to online teaching.

The second and third semesters took place entirely online, while the following semesters offered a mixture of online and face-to-face teaching. Even though the personal aspect of my studies suffered due to the pandemic-related restrictions, online teaching was more of an advantage than a disadvantage for me, as I was able to focus intensively on the course content due to the lack of distractions. At this point, I would like to say a big thank you to all the professors at the NUW faculty, who also taught the course content very well online!

In the fourth semester, I was able to take on the Technical Mechanics 2 tutorial. This was followed by the Physics 2 tutorial in the fifth and seventh semesters. Thanks to Mr Sosnowsky and Mr Marek for this opportunity!

During my studies, I was supported by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation. In addition to financial support, the Friedrich Naumann Foundation enabled me to attend many seminars throughout Germany, where I was able to build up an extensive network of academics.

I completed my dual study programme with in-depth practical experience at Zollner Elektronik AG, one of the top 15 EMS service providers worldwide. This also made my lecture-free time very instructive and exciting. During the practical phases at the various company locations in the Upper Palatinate, I was able to get a taste of many areas and I realised what opportunities are available to me as an industrial engineer. After completing my practical semester in the Electronics 2 division in the New Business Development department, I wrote my Bachelor's thesis on the topic of virtual reality in the seventh semester. I investigated the potential of this pioneering technology in a business environment and was able to test a wide range of VR hardware and software.

At the end of the winter semester 2022/2023, I completed my studies at the Deggendorf Institute of Technology and have been working as a project manager in Global Engineering at Zollner Elektronik AG ever since.

Reminiscing allowed: remember your student days

I have very fond memories of my time in Deggendorf - especially as two of my friends had a roof terrace where the odd student party was thrown (my room in the student hall of residence couldn't keep up :-)).

At the TH Deggendorf, I particularly liked the small group size of the degree programme. This meant that you had close contact with the professors, which enabled intensive supervision.

I particularly enjoyed the graduation ceremony at the end of my degree programme, where a celebration was held on the grounds of Deggendorf Institute of Technology with all the graduates from the previous two semesters.

What advice would you like to give today's Bachelor of Industrial Engineering students?

Don't neglect the practical part of your studies! As an industrial engineer, many doors are open to you - but it is only through practical experience that you find the right one for you. For me, working as a project manager was very valuable, as it gave me a comprehensive insight into various areas of activity in an industrial company and taught me a lot about my own career aspirations.


subject overview

Overview of lectures and courses, SWS (Semesterwochenstunden = weekly hours/semester) and ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) in the Bachelor's degree Industrial Engineering.


1. Semester SWS ECTS
Mathematical Basics of Engineering Studies 4 5
Informatics 1 2 3
Informatics Internship 2 2
Technical Mechanics 1 (Statics) 4 5
Marketing 4 5
Basics BWL/VWL 4 4
Hedge Accounting 4 4
Business English 2 2
2. Semester SWS ECTS
Basics of Engineering Mathematics 4 5
Informatics 4 5
Technical Mechanics 2 (Strength of Materials) 4 5
Private Business Law 4 5
Taxes 4 5
Physics 1 4 5
Technical English 2 2
3. Semester SWS ECTS
Physics 2 3 3
Internship Physics 1 1
Construction 4 4
Basics of Electrical Engineering 4 5
Fluid and Energy Technology 4 5
Financing 4 5
Capital Budgeting and Technical Controlling 4 5
4. Semester SWS ECTS
Materials Engineering 4 5
Measurement and Control Technology 4 5
Regenerative Energies und Materials Engineering 4 4
Course-specific Compulsory Elective 4 4
Innovation Management 4 5
Quality Management 2 2
Statistics 4 5
5. Semester SWS ECTS
Scientific Compulsory Elective 2 2
Corporate Succession and Business Simulation 4 5
Operations Research 4 5
Plastics Technology 4 5
Production Engineering 4 5
Corporate Information Systems 2 3
Human Resources Management and Business Law 4 5
6. Semester SWS ECTS
Presentation and Negotiation Techniques 2 2
Project Management 2 2
Practical Seminar 2 2
Industrial Internship - 24
7. Semester SWS ECTS
Focus on Business Management    
Business Management    
Management and Decision Techniques 4 4
Founding Management and Business Planning 2 2
Production und Logistics 4 5
Operational Organisation, Purchasing and Sales 4 5


Focus on Business Analytics

Optimisation and Simulation    
Model-based Applied Optimisation 4 4
Simulation of Production and Logistics Systems 2 2
Production and Logistics 4 5
Data Science 4 5
Bachelor Seminar 1 2
Bachelor Thesis - 12