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Advance Tomorrow's Technology

Become an Expert in Fields of Technology & Engineering

Faculty EMT.

Electrical Engineering and Media Technology

We provide degree courses with the best prospects for the future, to an undergraduate and postgraduate level . In our faculty, students are trained as engineers in "Electrical Engineering and Information Technology" and in "Media Technology" studies.

Prof. Dr. László Juhász, Faculty Dean


The laboratories of the Deggendorf Institute of Technology are outfitted with some of the best technical equipment on the market and form the foundation for our state-of-the-art and practical engineering study programmes. These technologies mirror industrial standards and gives students a hands on opportunity to apply the knowledge acquired in the lectures in all phases of the course.

In addition, these laboratories are used for numerous research and development projects at DIT and offers students manifold options to pursue their own research goals.


Currently, this content is available only in German. We apologize for the inconvenience. 


Acoustic Seminar


Every year in December at the Deggendorf Institute of Technology, speakers from the industry report their current research during an acoustic seminar.

The scientific conference takes place as a public event of the technical committees „Auditory Acoustics“ und „Electro Acoustics“ of the ITG und the DEGA. All interested parties from domestic and international industry are welcome

The seminar promotes the cooperation between companies and institutions of higher education by presenting current developments, methods and new technologies to students and experts on a scientific basis. This event opens up possibilities for students for future internships, bachelor's and master's theses when establishing contacts with the speakers.


03  December 2019 Virtual acoustics


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Krump


  • Sound and studio engineering
  • Sound design
  • Elektro acoustics
  • Psycho acoustics
  • Microphon and Speaker Technology
  • Room acoustics
  • Power driven vehicle acoustics
  • Acoustic simulation technology
  • Audio and video coding
  • Digital signal processing



Deggendorfer Akustik-Seminar 04.12.06
Raumakustik und Wandlertechnologien (Agenda)

Deggendorfer Akustik-Seminar 03.12.07
Codierverfahren für Mehrkanalton (Agenda)

Deggendorfer Akustik-Seminar 01.12.08
Sounddesign (Agenda)

Deggendorfer Akustik-Seminar 01.12.09
Produktakustik (Agenda)

Deggendorfer Akustik-Seminar 07.12.10
Psychoakustische Anwendungen (Agenda und Abstracts)

Deggendorfer Akustik-Seminar 06.12.2011
Virtuelle Akustik (Agenda und Abstracts)

Deggendorfer Akustik-Seminar 11.12.2012
Audiosysteme im Automobil (Agenda und Abstracts)

Deggendorfer Akustik-Seminar 26.11.2013
Soundoptimierung (Agenda und Abstracts)

Deggendorfer Akustik-Seminar 02.12.2014
Akustische Messtechnik (Agenda und Abstracts)

Deggendorfer Akustik-Seminar 01.12.2015
Akustische Mess- und Beurteilungsmethoden (Agenda und Abstracts)

Deggendorfer Akustik-Seminar 06.12.2016
Akustische Simulationstechniken (Agenda und Abstracts)

Deggendorfer Akustik-Seminar 05.12.2017
Akustische Analysemethoden (Agenda und Abstracts)

Deggendorfer Akustik-Seminar 04.12.2018
3D-Audio (Agenda und Abstracts)

Deggendorfer Akustik-Seminar 03.12.2019
Virtuelle Akustik (Agenda und Abstracts)



Technische Hochschule Deggendorf
Dieter-Görlitz-Platz 1
94469 Deggendorf

Hörsaal E 001


Positions & Information



Vice Dean

Dean of Studies

Women's Representative

Chairman of the examination commission

Course Director

Study advisor

Internship Officer

EDP Officer

System Adminstrator


Administrative Assistant

Coordinator for International Affairs



Application and laboratory usage Media Technology

Applicationform and information on inventory and use of the Media Technology laboratories

Laboratory usage: User application

Lending periods and lending terms and conditions


Mon - Fri: 9:15 - 9:45
Mon - Thu: 15:30 - 16:00

The lending period never exceeds 48 hours. For example, if your lending period begins Monday morning, you must then return the equipment by Wednesday morning at the latest. Should you lend equipment on Thursday, you must return the equipment on Friday. It is an option to lend equipment over the weekend. Your lending period then starts on Friday and you must return it on Monday before noon.


For schedule and additional information see iLearn course:
Graphics lab: Photography loan, studio, printing




ASIIN accreditation

The ASIIN e.V. is an independent non-profit organisation, which is nationally and internationally committed to the recognition, comparability and quality assessment - also called accreditation - of Bachelor and Master programs. ASIIN e.V. is the only specialist accreditation agency in the field of engineering and natural sciences, computer science and mathematics and is one of the ten accreditation agencies examined by the Accreditation Council. All study programmes of the faculty are accredited by  ASIIN e.V.



A group of students from Colombia visited the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Media Technology at the Deggendorf Institute of Technology (DIT) at the end of October. An initiative from DIT and the Colombian University Del Valle made the visit possible. The guests from Colombia were warmly welcomed by the faculty and students of the electrical engineering program and were introduced to cutting-edge research and emerging technologies.

Highlights of the visit included a tour of several laboratories, a meeting with students during a laboratory internship, lectures, and workshops by professors. For Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nikolaus Müller, academic advisor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Media Technology, international exchange programs like these are invaluable: “We are very happy to have these talented students from Colombia with us. This experience will benefit not only them, but our academic community as well.”

Of course, the Columbian students also explored the old town of Deggendorf, tasted traditional Bavarian cuisine and made their first friends. For Juan Pablo Lasso Jaramillo, the trip to Germany was an unforgettable experience: “At the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Media Technology, the practical implementation of what has been learned theoretically is made possible in well-equipped laboratories. This way you understand everything better and learn much faster. The people we met in such a short time were so welcoming and we will carry these memories in our hearts forever."

The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Media Technology wants to welcome more international students in the future and establish more relations in the field of electrical engineering. The educational exchange between DIT and the Universidad Del Valle marked the beginning.


The Deggendorf Institute of Technology (DIT) has developed a new Master’s programme that focuses on electromobility. In 2022, electromobility has noticeably gained momentum in the German automotive industry. It is the key to climate-friendly mobility. There is still a lot to be done to ensure that the transition to e-mobility finally succeeds. The university will train the right engineers from the summer semester of 2023.

The main topic of the Master’s degree are the design and function of the drive systems as well as the charging structure and the energy components battery and fuel cell. A high proportion of practical teaching units was important to the makers. For even more practical relevance, course director Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Denk even brought the student association “Fast Forest” on board. Students from all disciplines come together to develop and realise racing vehicles. Depending on their personal interests, students of the Master’s in Electromobility can choose between two focus areas. The programme is recommended for graduates with a Bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering, information technology or related subjects. The application deadline for the summer semester is 15 January. All information can be found on the university’s website: www.th-deg.de/em-m-en


The campus of the Deggendorf Institute of Technology (DIT) was buzzing with people: On Thuesday, 4 October, around 2,200 students began their studies in Deggendorf and at the campuses in Cham and Pfarrkirchen. Officials of the university, the city and the student institutions warmly welcomed the newcomers.

Deggendorf’s Mayor Dr. Christian Moser started the Freshers’ day. He warmly welcomed all students to the city of Deggendorf and focused on anticipation: The Christmas market in Deggendorf will take place this year. The prospect of mulled wine and biscuits made those present very happy in view of the initially chilly temperatures. Prof. Waldemar Berg, Vice President of DIT, encouraged the prospective students to take their studies seriously and to take advantage of the opportunities and potential at DIT. At the same time, he said, studying is a formative time in personal and social terms. Leisure time and friends are just as important a part of this period of life as learning. In Deggendorf, a city with a distinctive nightlife and an extremely attractive surrounding area, the best conditions exist for all of this. Afterwards, representatives of the various higher education institutions, the student union and the university’s church congregations welcomed the newcomers to Deggendorf in both German and English. This has long been a common and necessary procedure at the Deggendorf Institute of Technology, as DIT’s strategy continues to bear fruit. With 41 percent international students from 123 countries, the Deggendorf Institute of Technology is one of the most international universities in Bavaria. The university is still growing. Around 2,200 students will begin their degrees at DIT in the winter semester. According to Dr. Jörg Kunz, the numers will still increase, as there are still a number of open enrolments that will be counted once complete. A total of 8,500 students are currently studying at the campus in Deggendorf and at the teaching locations in Pfarrkirchen and Cham.


The most important prize for international students at the Deggendorf Institute of Technology (DIT) was awarded for the twentieth time. The award winner is Gayathri Sathyanand from Bangelore, India. She is being honoured for successful academic achievements and voluntary commitment at DIT. The prize of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is endowed with € 1,000.

Gayathri Sathyanand has been studying the Master of Science Electrical Engineering and Information Technology since 2019. Her academic achievements are outstanding. In addition, the student shows above-average voluntary commitment. As an ambassador for her degree programme, she shared her experiences with prospective students. During the lockdown, she took over the official DIT Snapchat account for a week and created the theme “DIT stays at home”. This gave students the opportunity to share their ideas on how they deal with the online semester and use the lockdown to positively improve themselves and learn new skills. In the TEDxDIT association, she led everything related to computer science on the board and organised one of the first face-to-face events at the university during the pandemic in autumn 2021. She had chosen DIT because of the practice-oriented curriculum and the university’s research activities on the latest technologies. After her studies, she would like to gain a foothold in the automotive industry. She has already put out her feelers: the young woman completed her internship and final thesis at BMW Group.


Great honour for Deggendorf filmmakers: their short film "Flucht" (Escape) was presented at the beginning of November at the Biberach Film Festival, which is renowned throughout Germany. The project is a final thesis in the Master's degree programme in Media Technology at the Deggendorf Institute of Technology (DIT).

"Escape" tells the story of twelve-year-old Jakob, who repeatedly flees from his quarrelling parents into the forest. When one day his life is in danger there, he has to make a difficult decision. The twelve-minute film is the final project of the Deggendorf media technology students Kim Hong (script and direction), Moritz Grötsch (image design), Lea Blöchinger (production, production management), Julian Hofbauer (sound and music) and Nikkash Sutharsan (editing). The film project was supervised by Prof. Jens Schanze. He praises the young talents: "Thanks to their above-average commitment, the students succeeded in producing and completing the film with two child actors under pandemic conditions." Special camera lenses were used for the visual realisation of the demanding drama, creating a special cinematic aesthetic. The invitation to Biberach is highest recognition for the Deggendorf film team. The festival is considered a "family reunion of German filmmakers". Well-known directors such as Caroline Link, Volker Schlöndorff or Fatih Akin have been awarded prizes for their works there in the past, as has Oliver Haffner, lecturer in  DIT's Master's programme in Media Production. The Deggendorf entry was the only short film at the renowned festival that was not produced at a film school.


Sinah Harm produced a promotional film for the Munich-based start-up democy for her Master’s thesis. The start-up offers an app for citizen participation. As part of the advertising campaign “What moves you?”, the film celebrated its premiere this week.

The Master’s thesis has brough Sinah further in many areas. Except for the camera and set sound, she has taken on all the tasks herself, even the catering and the implementation of hygiene measures. For the first time, she has also worked with children and non-experienced people. “The production brought out all my strengths, but also weaknesses, and was therefore very instructive,” she says herself, “you always develop further, you never stop learning, and that’s why my focus will always be on getting better with every project.”

The contact to democy cam about through friends. Sinah liked the idea of the start-up and personally likes advertising films with emotional stories, which is why she decided to work with democy as the topic of her Master’s thesis. Under the supervision of Prof. Schanze and in collaboration with cameraman Thomas Weishäupl, she realised the project. Sinah’s film can now also be seen on Youtube.


The screening of the award-winning film production "Neighbours" by students of the Deggendorf Institute of Technology (DIT) continues. The second documentary about residents of the Deggendorf Anchor Centre will be presented for the first time on Tuesday, 5 October. Luise Kinseher, known as Mama Bavaria, will host the screening.

The project "Neighbours - Encounters with Residents of the Deggendorf Anchor Centre" was created through a cooperation between the Caritasverband für den Landkreis Deggendorf e.V. and  DIT. People from the facility told their stories, and students from the DIT documented them in professional video portraits. Under the direction of Prof. Jens Schanze, two films were made. The second part will now be shown for the first time. On Tuesday, 5 October 2021, 6 pm, the film presentation will take place in the Kapuzinerstadl Deggendorf, Maria Ward Platz 10. Admission is free. Registration via email to asyl@caritas-deggendorf.de is necessary. A 3G proof is also required.


The Deggendorf Institute of Technolgoy (DIT) applied for the International Regensburg Short Film Week with several student works from the Media Technology course programme. Four films were successful and will now be shown online form 21 May to 6 June.

For the young filmmakers at DIT, this event is a big deal and of course they all have the desire to reach as many viewers as possible. In the regional window programme section, the regional film scene shows itself to be diverse and offers something for every taste. DIT productions are the short films “2100”, “Rotlicht” and “Wahlkampf”. The film “Accept”, which has already won international awards, will be screened from 22 May in the Donaublut programme section, which is dedicated to genre contributions from the region. Tickets for online access to the festival are available at https://kurzfilmwoche.filmchief.com/hub.

Film descriptions:

2100: Director: Lea Blöchinger, Cinematographer: Moritz Grötsch, VFX: Alexander Steil, Script: Regina Portje, Sound: Tim Miller, Editing: Lukas Haselberger, Kammerspiel, 5 min, Masterseminar "Kurzfilm", Supervision: Prof. Jens Schanze

In the year 2100, war and destruction reign. Nikita lives isolated in a bunker. In a video message she asks why no one has done anything about the foreseeable catastrophe.

Rotlicht: Director: Julia Meinhardt, Animation, 3 min, Supervision: Prof. Joerg Maxzin

One night, a little red light leaves her "workplace" to go in search of love. During her journey she encounters some problems...

Wahlkampf: directed by students of the elective subject documentary, documentary film, 20 min, supervised by: Prof. Jens Schanze

Five men are running for the office of Lord Mayor of the city of Deggendorf. The CSU wants to defend not only the office but also the absolute majority in the city council. While the SPD is foregoing its own candidate, the AfD is putting one up for the first time. What dynamics are emerging in a community of 30,000 inhabitants in eastern Bavaria?

Accept: Director: Manuel Klavers, Camera: Maximilian Stahl, Set Sound/Sound Design/Mixing: Paul Bickhoff, Mystery Drama, 18 min, Bachelor Thesis, Supervision: Prof. Jens Schanze

After the death of her father, a girl has to hide her true self in order to lead a normal life with her family. When she is pursued by threatening figures, she has to face her fears and accept herself.


The Los Angeles Crime & Horror Film Festival took place on Wednesday, 4 November and Thursday, 5 November. There Maximilian Stahl, media technology graduate from the Deggendorf Institute of Technology (DIT), was awarded for the short film “Accept”.

The script of the film was written and directed by Manuel Klavers. But the jury especially liked the image design of “Accept”, which was created by Maximilian Stahl. He had been involved in the film with the concept, camera work, lighting design, colour grading and visual effects, i.e. the entire image design. The jury honoured the outstanding work of the DIT alumnus with the award for “Best Cinematography” on the first day of the festival.

The short film “Accept” submitted by the people from Deggendorf is assigned to the genres horror and thriller and is about a young woman who sees uncanny characters. Her father also had this gift and was broken by it. In the film she learns to accept herself and this peculiarity.

The Los Angeles Crime & Horror Film Festival takes place annually in Los Angeles, with film screenings in Hollywood. Due to the prevailing pandemic, this year’s festival was held virtually. A total of 13 films from various genres were show. The Los Angeles Crime & Horror Film Festival has made it its mission to show and celebrate the best of independent crime and horror films and the many sub-genres of crime fiction, true crime and psychological horror in film and new media.


Current short films by students of the Deggendorf Institute of Technology (DIT) will be shown at internationally renowned film festivals in Hof, Munich and Fort Lauderdale (Florida, USA) in autumn. All festivals offer their programmes online. Thus, they are accessible to the audience in Bavaria.

Filmmakers like Wim Wenders, Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Werner Herzog, Caroline Link or Doris Dörrie have presented their films at the International Hof Film Festival in the past. At the 54th edition of this event from 20 to 25 October, media technology students from DIT will now also be allowed to take part. “Accept”, the bachelor thesis of Manuel Klavers, Maximilian Stahl and Paul Bickhoff has been invited to the short film programme of Germany’s oldest and most renowned film festival. But that’s not all, as Jens Schanze, professor for film and video design at DIT proudly explains: “The team around author and directory Manuel Klavers will also be participating in the 35th Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival (6 - 22 November, https://fliff.com/2020filmguide). “Accept” has also made it to Florida, where film entrepreneurs like Martin Scorsese, John Schlesinger, Spike Lee and Ben Kingsley have already been guests”.

The mystery drama “Accept” by the students from Deggendorf tells the story of a girl who hides her true self after the death of her father in order to be able to lead a normal life with her family. When she is pursued by threatening figures, she has to face her fears and learn to accept herself. The film was shot with elaborate equipment in the historical setting of the Oberpfälzer Freilandmuseum.

The new film was also invited to Hof by Prof Schanze. The 30-minute documentary film “Stolz auf dich” portrays a 17-year-old schoolgirl from Deggendorf who wants to make her dream of becoming a kickboxing champion come true. At both European Championships in Macedonia, she will be wearing the jersey of the German national team for her first fight. The film is also part of the programme of the 63rd International Leipzig Festival for Documentary and Animation film.

The short film “2100” by director Lea Blöchinger, which was made during the master’s seminar “Short film” at DIT, was invited to the competition for the Climate Clip Award 2020 at the International Festival of Film Schools. The film is a dystopia of human existence in the year 2100 against the background of global warming. Master student Regina Portje and her fellow students Tim Miller, Moritz Grötsch, Alexander Steil and Lukas Haselberger also took part in the production. Every autumn, a selection of the best films produced at film schools around the world is presented in Munich.


The award-winning film production “Neighbours” by students of the Deggendorf Institute of Technology (DIT) will be shown on 6 October at the Deggendorf Cinema. The occasion is the “Week of Encounters” (Woche der Begegnungen) in Deggendorf. The date will be accompanied by the cabaret artist and actress Luise Kinseher.

The five video portraits of residents of the Deggendorf Anchor Centre show that every refugee has their own story and that generalised prejudices do not do justice to people. The videos were produced in cooperation between the Caritas asylum social counselling service and students of DIT in the “short film” course of the master’s course in Media Technology. The screening at the Lichtspielhaus Deggendorf is presented by Luise Kinseher. After the film screening there will be an audience discussion moderated by Luise Kinseher, in which the following people will participate:

  • Fatou Lo (Senegal, protagonist)
  • Christina Klee (BA, DIT student media technology)
  • Moritz Ströer-Karuga (MA, DIT student media technology)
  • Andreas Zilker (Caritas asylum counselling)
  • Hans Jürgen Weißenborn (Managing Director Caritasverband für den Landkreis Deggendorf e.V.)
  • Jens Schanze (Prof. Film & Video Design)

The performance on Tuesday 6 October will start at 6 pm. The entrance is free. Registration via e-mail at asyl@caritas-deggendorf.de is required.


The documentary film "Neighbours - 5 Encounters with Residents of Ankerzentrum Deggendorf" ("Nachbarn - 5 Begegnungen mit Bewohnern des Ankerzentrums Deggendorf" in German) by Deggendorf Institute of Technology's (DIT) Media Production master students has been awarded at the Bavarian Children & Youth Film Festival. All eight winning films were announced on Saturday. "Neighbours" received the special award "Democracy" endowed with € 500. Patroness of the festival founded in 1989 is Carolina Trautner. the Bavarian Minister for Family, Labour and Social Affairs.

Since January 2015, there has been an initial reception facility in Deggendorf for asylum seekers. In 2018, it was converted to what is called an anchorage centre. The filmmakers of the master's programme wanted to know who the people are who live there. In cooperation with the Caritasverband for the Landkreis Deggendorf e.V. they have had conversations with the residents about their lives. This resulted in a video project under the direction of Prof Jens Schanze. The 33-minute film from 2019 consists of five short portraits. Due to the award of the Lower Bavarian Youth Film Prize 2019, the documentary qualified for the Bavarian Children & Youth Film Festival. 
The jury there said: "The award for democracy goes to a film which caused a long discussion among the jury; perhaps it was created to do exactly that. It's a film that needs to be dealt with in dialogue, which needs the discussion and is the initiator of thought and because it does this, we find it worthy of an award and an important contribution to democracy." The award ceremony was held last week in a small round on the campus in Deggendorf. During the encounter week (Woche der Begegnung) in October 2020, "Neighbours" can be seen again at the Deggendorf cinema. 


20200110 doschauher tv rausch„Rausch“

10.01.2020 | THD-Pressestelle - Am Donnerstag, 16. Januar strahlt die Technische Hochschule Deggendorf die nächste Livesendung von Doschauher TV aus. Unter dem Titel „Rausch“ geht es in der Sendung dieses Mal um Drogen in unserer Gesellschaft. Dafür haben die Studierenden des fünften Semesters Medientechnik selbstproduzierte Beiträge vorbereitet und sprechen im Studio mit Gästen offen über ihre Erfahrungen. Beginn der Ausstrahlung ist um 18 Uhr. Zuschauer können live im Medienatelier dabei sein oder sich via Stream zuschalten.

Was das Team von Doschauher TV nicht plant: schon wieder eine Debatte über die Legalisierung von Gras. Sie interessiert, wie Drogen in der Gesellschaft wahrgenommen werden. Das Thema wird zunächst in einem Rückblick beleuchtet. Wie haben Rauschmittel im Laufe der Geschichte den Weg in den menschlichen Alltag gefunden und welche Rolle sie heute spielen? Im Gespräch mit Studiogast Martini Meinreiß vom Hanfverband Augsburg bekommen die Zuschauer Informationen, Fakten und Zahlen aus erster Hand. Über die negativen Wirkungen eines Drogenmissbrauchs wird Dominik Forster als zweiter Studiogast sprechen. Der ehemalige Drogenjunkie und Dealer betreibt heute Drogenprävention und Coaching. Zudem wird das Thema der Sendung anhand von zwei selbstproduzierten Einspielern aufgegriffen und den Zuschauern nähergebracht. Für musikalische Unterhaltung sorgt die Funkrock Band „Second Rubato“. Einlassbeginn ins Studio (Raum J007) ist 17:30 Uhr. Der Livestream ist über http://doschauher.tv/?page_id=19 erreichbar.