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important information for freshers

we will guide you through your first days of study

information for freshers.

important information for your semester start

Welcome to DIT!

To help you settle in quickly on campus, we have summarized all the important first steps to starting your studies below:


  • Get to know your campus! The best way to find your way quickly to your lecture halls and the canteen is to use our campus maps. Or take a walk around our campus from the comfort of your own home on our 360 Grad Tour.
  • Setting up your personal university account is the first step towards arriving digitally at the university. Your university account gives you access to the university network and your student email address. Our IT introduction will help you with your first steps in IT: IT-introduction
  • As a rule, courses at DIT have a virtual course room on the university's own learning platform  iLearn. Here you can find, for example, course content and up-to-date information from your lecturers. You can log in to iLearn with your university account..
    How to find your way around the learning platform is explained here:  Video on how to log in to iLearn for the first time. You can also find help and tips on digital teaching in this  iLearn-course.
  • With your university account, you can also log in to the personalized website area my.th-deg.de. There you will have access to your individualized lecture schedule and the most important portals and news for your studies. Find out more about my.th-deg.de here: what is my.th-deg.de? 
  • Would you like to get involved in a group with motivated fellow students and make new contacts? Then find out more about our student clubs, music groups on campus and the student council (student convention).
  • Join us at the Freshers' Day, make contacts with your fellow students and find out more - so you have a great start with your studies

General Information



Semester times summer semester 2025: The semester begins on 15 March 2025 and ends on 30 September 2025.

Lecture periods summer semester 2025: The lecture period begins on 17 March 2025 and ends on 10 Juli 2025.

Overview of all semester times



We recommend moving near the campus. New students in particular should complete their semester close to campus in order to benefit from the campus facilities and the numerous events for students. You can also make contacts better on campus and get to know the university.

You can find information on finding accommodation on this page: Accommodation

It is also best to clarify the financing of your studies before you start. Get information here and find the right funding or a suitable scholarship for you: Financing


The DIT communication guidelines provide you with general communication rules. Whether it's a face-to-face conversation, phone call, WhatsApp consultation or virtual events - the guide covers all areas. You will be perfectly prepared to communicate successfully on campus, at work or with strangers.


  • Get an overview of our facilities and contact persons on campus: service centres on campus
  • The Central Student Advisory service can advise you on general questions and problems relating to the university and your studies.
  • The Centre for Studies will help you with questions about the application process and admission as well as matters relating to examination law and the completion of practical study periods during your studies.
  • If you have any organisational questions or are looking for a specific form, your academic regulations or module handbook, you can find all the information you need on this page: Documents & organsation
  • If you need technical support, please contact the Computer Center: either in person on the 2nd floor of the ITC2+ building (behind ITC2) or by email at it-support@th-deg.de
  • At DIT, first-year students are supported by our first semester mentoring programme. Students in higher semesters are available to first-year students as contact persons and pass on their knowledge about studying and organization.


First-year students are supported by our first-semester mentoring programme . Students in higher semesters are available to first-year students as contact persons and pass on their knowledge about studying and organisation. Simply get in touch with your first semester mentor if you have any questions!

Below you will find the first semester mentors for the winter semester 2024/25, broken down by degree programme:



Applied Computer Science: Anas Shetla anas.shetla@stud.th-deg.de
Applied Sports Science Rudolph Elena elena.rudolph@stud.th-deg.de
Civil & Construction Engineering
/ Construction Management
/ Environmental Engineering

Victoria Fergert victoria.fergert@stud.th-deg.de
Lisa Schönlein lisa.schoenlein@stud.th-deg.de

Business Administration:

Ernst Franziska franziska.ernst@stud.th-deg.de
Kilian Lasskorn kilian.lasskorn@stud.th-deg.de

Cyber Security: Elias Eder elias.eder@stud.th-deg.de
Electrical Engineering / Elektromobility:
Fabian Obermeier fabian.obermeier@stud.th-deg.de
Fabian Iretzberger fabian.Iretzberger@stud.th-deg.de
International Management:
Matilda Czech matilda.czech@stud.th-deg.de
Jacob Jensen jacob.jensen@stud.th-deg.de
Artificial Intelligence: Lara Altgeld lara.altgeld@stud.th-deg.de
Bachelor Artificial Intelligence
Master  Artificial Intelligence and Data Science

Fares Elbermawy fares.elbermawy@stud.th-deg.de
Denisa Vaidasigan denisa.vaidasigan@stud.th-deg.de

Management in Health, Social and Rescue Services:

Baur Andreas andreas.baur@stud.th-deg.de
Dalheimer Tim tim.dalheimer@stud.th-deg.de

Management for Inclusion and Participation Nicole Primbs nicole.primbs@stud.th-deg.de
Mechanical Engineering: Asenbauer Niklas niklas.asenbauer@stud.th-deg.de
Mechatronics: Keesha Navena K.D. keesha.navena@stud.th-deg.de
Media Technology: Maria Vulfson maria.vulfson@stud.th-deg.de
Physician Assistant:  Larissa Ziegeltrum larissa.ziegeltrum@stud.th-deg.de
Sophia Schütz sophia.schuetz@stud.th-deg.de

Dogan Emily emily.dogan@stud.th-deg.de

Physiotherapy dual: Niclas Heumann niclas.heumann@stud.th-deg.de
Technical Design: Schmeding Nicolas nicolas.schmeding@stud.th-deg.de
Tourism Management/Economics:

Hörfurter Johanna johanna.hoerfurter@stud.th-deg.de
Mona Wellhöfer mona.wellhoefer@stud.th-deg.de

Business Informatics: Lukas Nowak lukas.nowak@stud.th-deg.de
Industrial Engineering / Interdisciplinary Engineering Sciences: Simon Zintl simon.zintl@stud.th-deg.de
Jan Brinkmann jan.brinkmann@stud.th-deg.de
Business Psychology:

Johanna Bauer johanna.bauer2@stud.th-deg.de
Nicolas O'Neill nicolas.oneill@stud.th-deg.de

Master Mental Health:

Veronika Kroiss veronika.kroiss@stud.th-deg.de
Jana Dehner jana.dehner@stud.th-deg.de

Master Civil and Environmental Engineering: Marina Achatz marina.achatz@stud.th-deg.de

quietschie guide & survival guide

You can find all the important information about your start at university, from parking and IT information to advice centres, in our Quietschie Guide (Deggendorf) and our Survival Guides for Pfarrkirchen and Cham.

visit our social media channels!

Subscribe to our social media channels and stay up to date with what's happening on campus. We inform you about the latest news, remind you of important deadlines, introduce you to student clubs and much more!

freshers survey

We are always trying to improve our services and offers. Therefore, your feedback is crucial information for us. Thank you very much for taking the time to fill in this form.

Freshers' Days and Veilchengassenfest 2023

At the start of the winter semester 2023/24 the so-called "Quietschietage" (Freshers' Days) took place for the first time for our first-semester students to give them the perfect start to their studies.

The colourful supporting programme, which included a tour of the campus, introductions to student clubs, table football and university cinema, gave students the opportunity to start their studies with lots of fun while getting to know fellow students and visiting courses relevant to their studies before they start.

The crowning finale of the Quietschietage 2023 was the Veilchengassenfest in the university mile of Deggendorf - with street food, exhibitions, live music and a great atmosphere.

The next Quietschietage will take place again at the start of the winter semester 2025/26.

Below you will find impressions of the Quietschietage and the Veilchengassenfest 2023 at Campus Deggendorf:

campus tour

useful links