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discrimination, sexual harassment & sexualised violence.

Information and contact persons


...means the discrimination of a person or group of persons on the basis of personal characteristics and social attributions. Section 1 of the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG) lists race, ethnic origin, gender, religion, ideology, disability, age and sexual identity as grounds for discrimination. This list can also be extended at will, depending on the context, for example to include the presence of a chronic illness or political views. In §3 AGG, a distinction is made between direct and indirect discrimination or disadvantage. Direct discrimination is when a person experiences or has experienced direct disadvantage compared to another person in a comparable situation due to one or more of the above-mentioned reasons. In the case of indirect discrimination, it initially appears that neutral criteria are equally valid for all people, regardless of the above-mentioned characteristics, but certain people or groups of people benefit more or less from their outcome than others. The decisive factor for any form of discrimination is not the motive or the (possible) intent, but the result.


Sexual harassment

..is another form of discrimination according to §4 AGG. This is unwanted, sexually determined behavior with the purpose or the effect that the dignity of the person affected by this is violated or shall be violated.

Violence is considered to be the threat or actual use of psychological or physical force or power, after which injuries, psychological or physical damage or undesirable outcomes are to be expected with a high degree of probability.


Under sexualised violence

...any form of violence expressed through sexual assaults is understood, where sexual acts are carried out to exert power and control.





In accordance with Art. 25 BayHIG, DIT has appointed two contact persons who can be contacted at any time if you are or have been affected by discrimination, sexual harassment or sexualised violence, if such incidents are observed or if you would like advice on these topics.

You also have the option of reporting an incident. You can either fill out the necessary complaint form here and send it by e-mail or bring it printed out to a personal meeting. The contact persons will be happy to assist you in filling out the form. Please note that a complaint cannot be made anonymously.

The two contact persons are Ms. Julia Penzkofer and Ms. Claudia Nikitsin.
Both an appointment for a conversation (in person or online) and a consultation can also be made by email to diskriminierung@th-deg.de

In Bavaria, a contact point has been established at the Center Bavaria Family and Social Affairs (ZBFS) for victims of abuse and sexualized violence since 1 August 2023.

Your contact options are:

  • Hotline: 089/88988922 (Monday to Thursday from 9 am  - 4 pm, Friday from 9 am - noon, Wednesday from 6 - 8 pm).
  • Contact form on the website www.zbfs.bayern.de