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Study With Us

Apply to Start your Studies

study support for international students

study buddies, tutors & job rock-it

We are a relatively small university with a closely networked infrastructure between teaching staff, support staff and students. We will support you academically in every aspect, as we aim to actively  promote your academic success and help you kick-start your future career! Read on to find out more about available support programmes:

Study Buddies

Our Study Buddies offer help to all international degree-seeking students at the DIT. Study Buddies support students with subject-related difficulties that may occur in the respective course. The support is offered in German. Every international degree-seeking student can take advantage of this programme which is free of charge.

Study Buddies - Students help students:

  • with technical terms
  • with complicated tasks
  • with subject-related questions

If you would like to participate in the Study Buddy programme or have any further questions, please send an e-mail to: study-buddies@th-deg.de


International Tutors


The International Tutors provide an important point of contact at DIT for international students from all courses.

International Tutors - Students helping Students

  • Support with problems and difficulties related to your studies
  • Support with inquiries about everyday life in Germany
  • (Inter-) cultural events and activities during the semester

Also this semester there are many events planned by our International Tutors. Everyone is welcome - international students from all faculties can get to know each other and exchange experiences.

Be part of the big, international community at DIT!


The service "International Tutors" is a cooperation of the DIT International Office with Student Union Niederbayern/Oberpfalz.



Job Rock-it

With our programme called "Job Rock-IT" you have the chance to participate in a range of lectures, workshops and seminars that will provide you with the skills to successfully find an internship, a working student position or a company collaboration for your bachelor/master thesis and later professional full-time employment in Germany.

The whole programme consists of three levels with overall eight seminars. Please note that you must participate in the classes in a specific order. By completing each level you will unlock rewards. After finishing all three levels you will receive a certificate of completion.

Let's be jobstronauts and rock the German job market by registering only once for the whole programme via: jobrockit@th-deg.de
After registration, you will receive an email to your student account containing a link to the seminar platform where you can sign up for each seminar individually.