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Study at dit

pioneering & vibrant

doubts about studying.

support and alternatives

What options are available to me if my choice of studies does not reflect my personal interests?

If I am not happy with my academic performance?

If I have already thought several times about changing my degree programme or university, or even dropping out?

We are available for a personal counselling interview at any time and will be happy to support or accompany you on an alternative career path. Below you will find the contact points and options.



Student and academic counselling / career service


The Student and Academic Counselling and the Career Service of the Deggendorf Institute of Technology are the first points of contact on campus. If you have difficulties with your studies or are looking for alternatives to your studies, we are always there to help and advise you. Come to us in good time, because there is always a solution. Our service includes:

  • Pointing out alternatives to studying or establishing contact with the relevant contacts in the relevant industries
  • Application training
  • Change of degree programme
  • Change of university
  • Psychosocial counselling
  • Social counselling

Contact us: For further questions, please contact the Student and Academic Counselling or Claudia Probst (Career Service).



Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK)


The vocational training and further education system also offers you many paths to success with its numerous apprenticeships and further education opportunities. Your skills are in demand in many interesting sectors. The IHK helps you make the switch! And this is how it works:

  • Shortening the training period: The training period can be shortened by up to 12 months.
  • Early admission: If your performance is above average, you have the option of shortening the training period by another six months.
  • Further training: With subsequent further training, you can achieve a Chamber of Industry and Commerce qualification at Bachelor level.
  • Direct entry into a CET programme: After gaining 90 ECTS credits and additional work experience, direct entry into a CET programme may also be possible.

The contact person at the Passau Chamber of Industry and Commerce on the subject of training is Mr. Matthias Berger. For information on continuing education, please contact Mr. Christian Wilhelm.



Federal Employement agency (Bundesagentur für arbeit)


To help you with a wide range of questions and problems during and at the end of your studies, the Federal Employment Agency offers individual counselling by appointment:

  • Desire for (re)orientation
    • Change of subject, change of university
    • (Threat of) dropping out of studies
    • Problems with financing your studies

Joint development of individual solutions to problems and development of new career goals in alternative academic or non-academic occupational fields related to the course of study.

  • Desire for vocational training
    • Counselling and placement in an apprenticeship or dual study programme
    • Checking application documents, application training
    • Financial assistance
  • Aptitude tests
    • Aptitude tests for fields of study
    • Health aptitude assessment, assistance for students with occupationally relevant health restrictions
  • Health aptitude for studies

This service is free of charge for you.

In the winter semester 2024/25, Karina Klessinger from the Bundesagentur für Arbeit offers four free consultation hours, each from 9 am to 1 pm in room B204 on the Deggendorf campus:

  • 07.11.24
  • 28.11.24
  • 05.12.24
  • 20.02.25

You can register for a scheduled counselling interview (in person or via video) either by calling 0800 4 5555 00 (toll-free), via the online portal or in person at any employment agency nationwide.



Talentförderung Handwerkskammer (HWK)

"Talentförderung Handwerkskammer" shows students who decide on an alternative career path various options:

  • Shortening the duration of training
  • Combining training with parallel continuing education courses
  • Dual study



Vocational Training Centre


Das Berufliche Fortbildungszentrum der Bayerischen Wirtschaft unterstützt bei der zukünftigen Karriereplanung. Durch die hervorragende Vernetzung des bfz Landshut mit allen Außenstellen kann auf über 2.500 Firmen in der Region zurückgegriffen werden. Die Beratung umfasst unter anderem folgende Themen:

  • Gezielte Auswahl von Unternehmen, die Sonderformen der Ausbildung für Studienabbrecher anbieten
  • Beratung über Ausbildungs-, Förder- und Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten sowie Lehrzeitverkürzung
  • Psychologische Beratung

The Vocational Training Centre of the Bavarian Industry supports you in your future career planning. Thanks to the excellent networking of the bfz Landshut with all its branch offices, it has access to over 2,500 companies in the region. The counselling includes the following topics, among others:

  • Targeted selection of companies that offer special forms of training for university dropouts
  • Counselling on training, promotion and further training opportunities as well as shortening of apprenticeship periods
  • Psychological counselling

You are welcome to contact the bfz Landshut via phone at +49 871 96226-0 or by email at info-la@bfz.de.