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Extended opening hours for exam preparation (Deggendorf)

Extended opening hours for exam preparation (Deggendorf)

6.6.2024 | Library

For the upcoming exam preparation we can offer extended opening hours in the period: 10.06. - 24.07.2024 (only for students!).

Mon-Thu: 20.00 - 24.00
Fri: 18.00 - 24.00
Sat/Sun: 8.00 - 24.00

These times may be restricted for technical or personnel reasons. You will be informed as early as possible.


At the end of regular opening hours from Monday to Friday, an announcement will be made and all users will leave the library, including those who wish to continue using the reading room during late opening hours. The entrance door will be changed to card opening.

When entering the library, it is generally necessary for everyone to authenticate themselves with their own student ID card at the black card reader (to the right of the library entrance door):

  • it lights up green: Access possible
  • it lights up red: Access not possible

Please check at one of the revaluators whether the student card is defective. If the card is intact, please report your name, matriculation number and chip card number to: bib-service@th-deg.de and wait for confirmation. The supervisor is not responsible for this.

It is forbidden for more than one person to enter with only one student ID card!

Borrowing cloakroom keys and book baskets:

Book baskets are available in the entrance area, cloakroom keys are available from the supervisor. Both can be borrowed from the self-checkout desk.

Please ignore the deadline set by the lending programme. The following applies: Return at the latest before the library closes

Outside of service hours, items must be returned to the supervisor.