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Harvey Castro

speaker digihealthday 2024


Harvey Castro, MD (USA)

International Author & Public Speaker in Digital Health
Chief Clinical Operating Officer, ViTel Health






Keynote: AI and Healthcare: The Good, The Bad, and The Unknown  


In this insightful and thought-provoking keynote, we will navigate the complex terrain of artificial intelligence's role in healthcare - acknowledging its triumphs, pitfalls, and yet-to-beuncovered potentials.

Healthcare has become a primary sector for AI integration, from diagnostic algorithms to telehealth services, predictive analytics, and robotic surgeries. Indeed, AI's growing prowess has brought numerous advantages, such as improved patient outcomes, optimized resource allocation, and breakthroughs in disease prediction and prevention.

However, it would be remiss not to delve into this symbiotic relationship's challenges. Ethical dilemmas, data privacy, security issues, algorithmic bias, and the effect on the healthcare workforce are just a few of the concerns surfacing as we more tightly intertwine AI with health services.

But perhaps most fascinating is the realm of the unknown – the untapped possibilities, unanswered questions, and undiscovered challenges of AI in healthcare. Here, we gaze into the future, contemplating the course of medical technology and how we can mold it to our collective benefit.

Join us as we unpack this multifaceted topic, sparking a dialogue that delves beyond the surface of AI's role in healthcare. This keynote aims to inform and inspire critical thinking, encouraging stakeholders to take an active part in shaping the future of AI in the medical world. Whether you're a healthcare professional, technology enthusiast, policymaker, or curious observer, this talk promises to engage, inform, and provoke thoughtful conversation.