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Filippo Martino

speaker digihealthday 2024


Filippo Martino, MD (Germany)

Head of Digital Health at the MEDIAN Group
Chairman of the German Society of Digital Medicine e.V. (DGDM)

Past Supervised Digital health at fbeta GmbH
Past Lecturer in neurology at the Carus Academy Dresden




Filippo Martino, MD, is Head of Digital Clinic Development, Caspar Health and first Chairman of the German Society of Digital Medicine e.V. (DGDM). He studied human medicine at the Hannover Medical School (MHH) and Tongji University of Shanghai. After graduation, he began his medical career in the field of neurology at the University Hospital Carl-Gustav Carus Dresden, where, in addition to clinical work, he also held the position of specialist lecturer in neurology at the Carus Academy Dresden. He was also committed to the medical perspective on digitalization in medicine and gained further experience with his own start-up project. Subsequently, Filippo Martino, MD, supervised topics related to digital health at fbeta GmbH and managed the associated business unit.